I'm sure many of you are wondering what is up with me because I haven't posted in over a month and a half. Well, I'm still alive and actually doing quite well.
First I will give some long distant post information:
Girls' CampWas a BLAST!!! Probably my best year yet. It seems kind of funny to me that it was such a good year considering I didn't have a counsellor the whole week, so I had to take on many more responsibilities, as a YCL-2. However, it seemed like even though I was doing more work, I was having more "free" time and more fun. The girls in my group (3rd level, ages 13-14) were awesome and really fun to be with. Also, the other YCLs that I worked with were all my friends and were also very fun to work with. It was nice having YCLs that would do whatever needed to be done and that were very sociable and friendly towards everyone. (What a big difference from last year where I didn't really get along with the YCLs that I had to work with and also they wouldn't ever seem to be around. It's amazing how teamwork makes everything run smoother. --I'm sure that is also helped that camp was a little better organized too. :-D)
So, anyways, girls' camp was amazing, and I really wish that I could be a YCL again next year.
The Pioneer TrekOkay, so I really had a great spiritual/emotional/physical experience on the trek. But, let's just say that I won't be pushing a handcart halfway across America anytime. I was very unprepared for the trek and thus had great difficulty keeping up with the power-house boys in my group. Despite my inadequacies, it was an amazing experience, and if I had the chance I would do it again, except with better preparation. My family was amazing, we had some really great personalities in the group which really made things fun. The little vignettes also really added to the whole experience, especially on the last day.
On the second day, the hardest day of all, the Mormon Battalion came and took all the men away "to fight the war with Mexico". The young women were left with 9 of the 14 handcarts which we then had to haul up a hill that went on, without levelling off, for .8 miles. It was miserable and it was probably the time when I most doubted and wanted to go home. I didn't go home, but instead figured that I had already made it halfway, so I just kept on pushing and was able to finish the trek, worn out, out of breath, weak, humbled, tired, exhausted, spiritually enriched, and with a greater respect for all those who made the journey to Salt Lake.
So, anyway, as we left camp an Saturday morning, we were each given 4 ounces of flour, the daily ration for adults in the Willie and Martin handcart companies, and told the story of the companies. Then, later along the road, they told us the story of the 3 young men who saved the companies at the Sweetwater River crossing. The young men were then asked to think about if they would be willing to sacrifice their lives as the 3 had. After a few minutes of contemplation, all those who were willing were asked to stand and then carry the young women across a stream that was at least 8 ft. across and 1 ft. deep. Now, this wasn't at the end of the trek and we still had about 1 mile to go, and so all the young men had to hike the rest of the trail with wet boots and feet. I have such respect for all of those young men that were willing to do such a thing and I bet that they will all serve wonderful missions.
Anyway, I can't think of what else occurred during my hiatus from blogging, except for the start of school.
SchoolWell, it's my senior year of high school, and everyone thinks I am crazy. Officially, as a senior, I only have to take 5 classes, 3 of which I need for graduation and the other 2 I need just for the credits. Instead of being like everyone else and getting senior-itis, I am opting to take six classes, a full load. The six are as follows: American Government/Psychology, Anatomy/Physiology, AP Calculus AB, Physics, AP Literature, and Beginning Ceramics. Ceramics (Visual/performing art), Am. Gov./Psych, and English I have to take to graduate and the other three are just because they sound fun. Well, so far, I am done with week 3 of school and everything seems to be going great. I have some really good/interesting teachers and my classes aren't too hard right now, so hopefully things will stay this way. :-D
Finally, what I really was going to post about.
This WeekendWell, Friday I took my senior portraits and I think that I got some really cute poses in. Hopefully they turn out nicely, but for two of my 3 outfits, I had this same person who didn't really seem to have many ideas for poses. I really hope that of the very few shots he took that they all are practically perfect. I guess I will just have to wait and see when I get the proofs next week. :-\
Then, Saturday, I went to this fireside with M. Russel Ballard and D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve. They had some really great things to say and it was really amazing to here two Apostles speak, in person.
Now, the BIG excitement of my weekend! Today we had a special stake meeting with Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Twelve. Well, before church, I got to shake his hand as he was entering the building. Then, I was a little surprised at how funny he was when he spoke. He said some great things about serving others, strengthening families, and how it is most important to do missionary work here in America. He was a great speaker. Because I sang in the choir, I was able to shake his hand AGAIN after the meeting!!! Now, you may think that I am a total dork, but he is an Apostle of God and he speaks with the prophet and with God constantly. I think that is very exciting. Also, now if he becomes the prophet someday, I can say that I got to shake his hand, TWICE, when he was just the new Apostle. Pretty nifty.
So, now I guess you are more or less caught up with what is going on in my life. Hope that you enjoyed my (not so) fast recap of the past couple months.