Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello Bloggers, Surprise!

Hey ya'll. :-D
Wow, I have finally joined the blogging world. This is probably a surprise to most of you since I have been saying I don't have time. Well, I decided that instead of wasting time re-reading all of your old posts, maybe I should create some of my own. :-D
Yeah, so, um, hopefully I will make this interesting, keeping you posted about my "exciting" High-School life. (I'll be lucky if I don't put MYSELF to sleep with how boring my life is! :-D) So yeah, this is me, and I'll try to keep things current, but I make NO promises.


Nancy said...

I get to be your first comment... EVER! Welcome to the blogging world! Now you need a digital camera so you can post some fun pictures.

Anonymous said...

You have succumb to the blogging peer pressure. =) I'll have to admit, I created a blog (or at least signed up) about a year ago but never did anything more than sign up. So I can't make too much fun of you. Besides, its only a matter of time before the rest of us follow

Shirley said...

yay! Welcome!
Can you upload pics from your camera phone?

Shirley said...

your life is more interesting than you think. the trick of blogging is writing about mundane things in a way to make them seem interesting. just post random stuff. plus, with all the babysitting you do, you've got to have some fun stories to tell.