Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well, I just thought that I would post in honor of Dave and Corrina and their new addition.

The Stats:

Name: Lara Kjerstine Hale

Weight: 11 lbs. 15 oz. (the new title-holder as the Biggest Hale Baby)

Height: 22 in.

Birth date: November 11, 2008

Parents: David and Corrina Hale

Sibling(s): Jaron

Congratulations Dave and Corrina! Wow, Corrina, you didn't get your 12 pounder. :-D Welcome to the world, Lara!

The Lie

Well, seeing as only a couple people have guessed which was truthful in my post "Tag, you're it! --No tag-backs!" I guess I must disclose what was truthful.

Well, Nancy and Shirley were right. I did not break my finger, I just dislocated it in the event described. (#3) It was actually just a few weeks ago that I had a pet Cheerio. (#1) And, I have illegally used a cell phone while driving. (#2) Shame on me. :-D

I am pretty pleased though, I did fool Steph Alstonator. See, you never know, I am a goody-goody, but I guess I'm not THAT good. :-D

Thanks for playing. (all 3 of you) :-D


Warning: If you do not want to read a post that is mostly bragging, then stop reading now. If you so choose to keep reading, then you do so at your own will. Should you experience jealousy or any other unwanted emotions from reading this post, Katie Babie and all affiliates cannot be held responsible. By including this disclaimer, should you react violently, Katie Babie and all affiliates are released of any and all liability.

:-D Well, I just thought that I might include something funny, to hopefully make you smile, and also because I know some people hate hearing people brag. :-D

Now for the actual post:

Today I just checked out my ACT scores online and they are awesome! Out of a possible composite score of 36, I received a 33, which is in the 99th percentile. In the four subject areas: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science, I scored 32, 34, 31, and 35, respectively (all out of 36 for each section). You may have seen my previous post regarding my SAT Reasoning scores, and I think that I actually did better on the ACT, probably because you don't lose points for wrong answers. Well, anyway, I just thought I would let you all know what was up with me.

So you know, I won't be able to view my scores for the SAT Subject Tests until the 20th, so if you are really interested in them, be patient and I will tell you when I get them. :-D

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, this time I was tagged by my friend/YW leader Stephanie Alstonator :-D. This one is a little different though.

The Rules

  1. Link to the person that tagged you.

  2. Post the 6th picture of the 6th folder in your picture files.

  3. At the end of the post, tag 2 other bloggers, by providing links to their blogs.

So, this is the 6th picture of the 6th folder:

Well, this picture is from my Dad's business trip to Georgia in August of 2007. This picture is taken at Fort Pulaski, during a cannon firing demonstration. This Fort is a historic site from the Civil War, and they have period demonstrations there every so often. When my Dad was on his business trip, he had a day off and did the whole tourist thing, and so now we have some cool photos of this Fort, firings of a cannon, and other gun demonstrations. Pretty cool right?

Well, now I tag:




Stephanie Hale

Happy Blogging! :-D

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tag, you're it! --No tag-backs!

Well, my sister-in-law Nancy tagged me through her blog. (sorry that it's taken so long for me to post)

The rules...
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 2 true facts about yourself and 1 lie.
3. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Have people guess which one out of the three is false.

Here's my 2 truths and a lie. Guess what you think is false... I'll confess what I have/have not done in a little while.

1. I once named a Cheerio Owesome, and introduced it to people as my pet Cheerio, Owesome.

2. I've driven and talked on the cell phone, even with the new cell phones while driving laws.

3. One year I broke my finger at Girl's Camp simply by hitting it on my knee, by accident, while trying to spike a ball.

Tag! You're it!:

Stephanie Altson
Jon Alston
Jennifer Cooper
Wes (via the family blog)