Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, this time I was tagged by my friend/YW leader Stephanie Alstonator :-D. This one is a little different though.

The Rules

  1. Link to the person that tagged you.

  2. Post the 6th picture of the 6th folder in your picture files.

  3. At the end of the post, tag 2 other bloggers, by providing links to their blogs.

So, this is the 6th picture of the 6th folder:

Well, this picture is from my Dad's business trip to Georgia in August of 2007. This picture is taken at Fort Pulaski, during a cannon firing demonstration. This Fort is a historic site from the Civil War, and they have period demonstrations there every so often. When my Dad was on his business trip, he had a day off and did the whole tourist thing, and so now we have some cool photos of this Fort, firings of a cannon, and other gun demonstrations. Pretty cool right?

Well, now I tag:




Stephanie Hale

Happy Blogging! :-D

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