Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Moving To-Do List

I am a total list-maker.  I make lists for everything.  Moving back to Utah was no exception.  Even before I started thinking about packing, I made myself a to-do list of things I needed to accomplish.  The list went something like this:
  1. Find a substitute pianist (because I was leaving a week earlier than previously planned)
  2. Say goodbye to my friends
  3. Cry
  4. Get excited to see Will and Nancy and Eva!
  5. Then remember that I first have to say goodbye to my family
  6. Cry some more
  7. Groan about having to pack
  8. Actually pack
  9. Say goodbye to my family
  10. Cry
  11. Drive to Utah
  12. See Will, Nancy, and Eva!
So, yeah.  I'm always very sad to leave California.  (Don't judge me just because I am very attached to my family.)  This time I think it was a little harder because I might not move back home next summer.  I have one extra class I need to take and I can't fit it anywhere in my schedule.  I'll probably end up staying in Utah next summer so I can get it done.  :-/  In which case, I'll only be home on breaks.  :-(

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