Saturday, November 15, 2008


Well, I just thought that I would post in honor of Dave and Corrina and their new addition.

The Stats:

Name: Lara Kjerstine Hale

Weight: 11 lbs. 15 oz. (the new title-holder as the Biggest Hale Baby)

Height: 22 in.

Birth date: November 11, 2008

Parents: David and Corrina Hale

Sibling(s): Jaron

Congratulations Dave and Corrina! Wow, Corrina, you didn't get your 12 pounder. :-D Welcome to the world, Lara!

The Lie

Well, seeing as only a couple people have guessed which was truthful in my post "Tag, you're it! --No tag-backs!" I guess I must disclose what was truthful.

Well, Nancy and Shirley were right. I did not break my finger, I just dislocated it in the event described. (#3) It was actually just a few weeks ago that I had a pet Cheerio. (#1) And, I have illegally used a cell phone while driving. (#2) Shame on me. :-D

I am pretty pleased though, I did fool Steph Alstonator. See, you never know, I am a goody-goody, but I guess I'm not THAT good. :-D

Thanks for playing. (all 3 of you) :-D


Warning: If you do not want to read a post that is mostly bragging, then stop reading now. If you so choose to keep reading, then you do so at your own will. Should you experience jealousy or any other unwanted emotions from reading this post, Katie Babie and all affiliates cannot be held responsible. By including this disclaimer, should you react violently, Katie Babie and all affiliates are released of any and all liability.

:-D Well, I just thought that I might include something funny, to hopefully make you smile, and also because I know some people hate hearing people brag. :-D

Now for the actual post:

Today I just checked out my ACT scores online and they are awesome! Out of a possible composite score of 36, I received a 33, which is in the 99th percentile. In the four subject areas: English, Mathematics, Reading, and Science, I scored 32, 34, 31, and 35, respectively (all out of 36 for each section). You may have seen my previous post regarding my SAT Reasoning scores, and I think that I actually did better on the ACT, probably because you don't lose points for wrong answers. Well, anyway, I just thought I would let you all know what was up with me.

So you know, I won't be able to view my scores for the SAT Subject Tests until the 20th, so if you are really interested in them, be patient and I will tell you when I get them. :-D

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So, this time I was tagged by my friend/YW leader Stephanie Alstonator :-D. This one is a little different though.

The Rules

  1. Link to the person that tagged you.

  2. Post the 6th picture of the 6th folder in your picture files.

  3. At the end of the post, tag 2 other bloggers, by providing links to their blogs.

So, this is the 6th picture of the 6th folder:

Well, this picture is from my Dad's business trip to Georgia in August of 2007. This picture is taken at Fort Pulaski, during a cannon firing demonstration. This Fort is a historic site from the Civil War, and they have period demonstrations there every so often. When my Dad was on his business trip, he had a day off and did the whole tourist thing, and so now we have some cool photos of this Fort, firings of a cannon, and other gun demonstrations. Pretty cool right?

Well, now I tag:




Stephanie Hale

Happy Blogging! :-D

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tag, you're it! --No tag-backs!

Well, my sister-in-law Nancy tagged me through her blog. (sorry that it's taken so long for me to post)

The rules...
1. Link to your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 2 true facts about yourself and 1 lie.
3. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by including links to their blogs.
4. Have people guess which one out of the three is false.

Here's my 2 truths and a lie. Guess what you think is false... I'll confess what I have/have not done in a little while.

1. I once named a Cheerio Owesome, and introduced it to people as my pet Cheerio, Owesome.

2. I've driven and talked on the cell phone, even with the new cell phones while driving laws.

3. One year I broke my finger at Girl's Camp simply by hitting it on my knee, by accident, while trying to spike a ball.

Tag! You're it!:

Stephanie Altson
Jon Alston
Jennifer Cooper
Wes (via the family blog)

Monday, October 27, 2008


Yes, I know that I spelled days/daze wrong. However, I intended to combine the two words. :-D

For those who have been keeping track of my college quest, you might be anxious to know what my SAT scores were from earlier this month. Well, I am happy to say that I did pretty well. There are 3 major portions of the SAT that you are graded separately in: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. The highest possible score you can receive in any one section is 800 points. In reading and math I received a 690 out of 800, which is above the middle 50% of students at the 4 schools that I am applying to. In Writing, there is a sub-section essay score and I received an 8 out of 12 which I think is really good considering the prompt was stupid. Anyway, as the grand total for the Writing portion, I received a 600 out of 800, which is within the middle 50% of the one school that had the statics up. As a whole composite score, I received a 1980 out of 2400 total points. I think that these scores are pretty good, especially considering that I didn't do all that formal studying. :-D

Now, about the ACT. Saturday I took my ACT test plus writing. I don't know when I will receive back my scores because they take something like 8 weeks to send it in the mail. LAME! Anyway, I think that I did alright on the multiple choice sections: Reading, English, Math and Science. On the writing portion, I think that I said some really good examples, except I was attempting to fix a grammatically incorrect sentence when time was called and I had to put down my pencil. LAME!!! So, I know that my essay contains at least one obvious error, which is very aggravating to think about. Oh Well, I can't really change anything now. Well, besides that, I kinda started running out of time on the reading portion so I was only able to skim the passages to answer the questions. I still think that I did fine though, because you don't lose points for wrong answers. YEAH!

Anywho, I will try to keep you posted. For now I need to go get ready for the Math 2 and Chemistry subject tests that I have on this Saturday. No rest for the weary I guess. (At least not for procrastinators. :-D)

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Well, today is my SATurday. I took my very first SAT this morning and it was a good experience overall, I think. I'm pretty sure that I did very well on all of the math portions, just because they seemed easy and I'm a "math person." On the reading/English sections, I think that I did well, nothing seemed too hard. I'm not sure how well I did on the essay because the topic was really simple and kind of hard to do an in-depth discussion. (I'm way better at analyzing than opinion or other writing.) So, to make a long story short, the SAT was easier than I expected and I think that I did pretty good on it.

I must say though, they REALLY need to reorganize the way they administer the break time. For those of you unfamiliar with the SAT Reasoning Test, there are 10 sections. The first section is an essay and all of the following portions are either regarding math or English/reading. Well, after the essay section and the first two other sections, they administer a 5 minute break. Then you do 2 more sections followed by another 5 minute break. Then, you end it all with 5 sections, no breaks. I must say that they should either add another break or put the breaks closer to the end of the test. The end of the test is when most people are harried by the fact that it is a 3+ hour test, the stress that this test can "determine your future", the desks are uncomfortable, your brain is tired, and the room is stale and stuffy because of the other 30 students wracking their brains to solve seemingly pointless questions. Personally, the last three sections were the worst for me because I was tired from taking the test, I had to use the bathroom, and from hunching over the stupid desk all day, my back was hurting. How lame right? Well, to say the least, my performance declined I think as the test wore on, mostly because I got to that stage where it is like, "either I do well or I don't, so I don't really feel stressed anymore." Despite these feelings, I must say though that I did my best, just so you don't think that I gave up, wasted my time and wasted my $45.00. :-D

Now I must prepare myself for the ACT on the 25th. YAY! :-/

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Not to sound like a copy-cat, but my amazing sister(-in-law), Nancy, is PREGO!!!! I'm so excited for my brother and her because they have been trying for so long. They are now expecting a little bundle of joy, due March 31st. I can't think of anyone who is better suited for parenthood than Nancy and Will, they are both just so great with kids and amazing people in general. I love them to pieces, and I know that if anyone can make it through Med-school with a new baby, Will and Nancy can!

Will, Nancy, much love and well wishes! I hope that you have a happy, healthy baby, whether boy or girl. Good luck!

PS-To see pictures of the ultrasound go to Nancy's Blog

Monday, September 22, 2008

Save the Family! PLEASE!

My mom sent me this awesome music video about saving the family, and I felt that I should share it with all of my blogging friends. Some of you may have already seen it on my sister's blog, but oh well, this is a good one.

Pay attention to the words, especially the line that says, "the family is the beating heart that keeps a nation strong. If families fail, then nations fall, and all that's good is gone." I also love when it says at the end that "if we are to save the world, we must save the family." And we do need to secure the family for future generations, because I don't want my children, or anyone's children, to grow up in a world where marriage is defined as between Party A and Party B.

Enjoy! :-D

Friday, September 19, 2008

The Vampires Got Me!!!!!

Yesterday was a very busy day. First off, I had school, like always. Then I had lots of Auntie time with my nieces Anabelle and Heidi. (I love to see my nieces because they are the cutest little girls in the whole world! --That includes Emily--) So, I had lots of fun and cuddles while we babysat them so my sister could donate platelets. Well, then I had to get my homework done sometime before bed, so I was able to work on it a little when Anabelle was watching a movie and Heidi had Grandma time. Then, we had a super quick dinner so Shirley could run and pick Chris up from work.

After dinner, I had this urge to go donate blood at our stake blood drive. Time was kind of short because I still had choir practice, but I decided to go for it anyways. So, last night was my first blood donating experience. I had tried before at the school blood drive, but my temperature was .1 degree too high, I think it was from chewing gum/drinking shortly before taking my temperature. Oh well. Anyways, last night I went in and filled out the papers and then got to the iron test, but my blood sank too slow. Luckily, after centrifuging my blood, I passed everything and was sent off to donate. When I got to the chair, the phlebotomist asked which arm and then had to be very careful to find the small vein (with her fingers). She was able to find a good vein, but I had to stay still for about 10-20 minutes before she could actually begin the draw. The needle stick went fine, and the blood was really flowing. I must have veins like my Mom because I was halfway done filling the bag after just 30 seconds. When she saw that, she made me stop rolling the little squeezy thing and then it was only another 3 minutes before I was done. Wow! The phlebotomist said that was SUPER fast. Then, I clotted really fast, so she said that I should think about donating my "good platelets." (I guess I'm just the kind of person who is always in a hurry. :-D) Well, after sitting still for so long with the A/C running, with bare arms and feet, I was cold and shivering. She didn't want me to pass out so she ended up making me sit still for another 20 minutes, even though I wasn't light headed. ARGH!!! I needed to get up and move, not sit still! Oh well. When she finally let me up, I was able to warm up fairly fast. I was very pleased with how well everything went, but it was SUPER lame that they didn't hand out shirts or ice cream coupons or anything, at least not to me.

Immediately following the attack of the vampires (:-D) I had to rush off to stake choir practice, which I was already 30 minutes late for. OOPS!!! So, I got to choir safely and then everything went fine from there, except for a little weakness in my arm and tenderness of my finger.

After choir practice, I then had to rush home to finish my homework, which took me about another hour to complete.

Well, that is the story of my ultra-busy Thursday, filled with school, fun, homework, choir, and a vampire attack. :-D

Oh, by the way, my arm looks really bruised from the blood donation, but it doesn't really hurt that much. Also, the vampire that took my blood was a Swoboda, for those of you who recognize that name. She is the niece of Katie's, Billie's, David's, Laura's, etc.'s Dad. What a small world, huh?

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I'm Not Dead Yet!

I'm sure many of you are wondering what is up with me because I haven't posted in over a month and a half. Well, I'm still alive and actually doing quite well.

First I will give some long distant post information:

Girls' Camp

Was a BLAST!!! Probably my best year yet. It seems kind of funny to me that it was such a good year considering I didn't have a counsellor the whole week, so I had to take on many more responsibilities, as a YCL-2. However, it seemed like even though I was doing more work, I was having more "free" time and more fun. The girls in my group (3rd level, ages 13-14) were awesome and really fun to be with. Also, the other YCLs that I worked with were all my friends and were also very fun to work with. It was nice having YCLs that would do whatever needed to be done and that were very sociable and friendly towards everyone. (What a big difference from last year where I didn't really get along with the YCLs that I had to work with and also they wouldn't ever seem to be around. It's amazing how teamwork makes everything run smoother. --I'm sure that is also helped that camp was a little better organized too. :-D)
So, anyways, girls' camp was amazing, and I really wish that I could be a YCL again next year.


The Pioneer Trek

Okay, so I really had a great spiritual/emotional/physical experience on the trek. But, let's just say that I won't be pushing a handcart halfway across America anytime. I was very unprepared for the trek and thus had great difficulty keeping up with the power-house boys in my group. Despite my inadequacies, it was an amazing experience, and if I had the chance I would do it again, except with better preparation. My family was amazing, we had some really great personalities in the group which really made things fun. The little vignettes also really added to the whole experience, especially on the last day.
On the second day, the hardest day of all, the Mormon Battalion came and took all the men away "to fight the war with Mexico". The young women were left with 9 of the 14 handcarts which we then had to haul up a hill that went on, without levelling off, for .8 miles. It was miserable and it was probably the time when I most doubted and wanted to go home. I didn't go home, but instead figured that I had already made it halfway, so I just kept on pushing and was able to finish the trek, worn out, out of breath, weak, humbled, tired, exhausted, spiritually enriched, and with a greater respect for all those who made the journey to Salt Lake.
So, anyway, as we left camp an Saturday morning, we were each given 4 ounces of flour, the daily ration for adults in the Willie and Martin handcart companies, and told the story of the companies. Then, later along the road, they told us the story of the 3 young men who saved the companies at the Sweetwater River crossing. The young men were then asked to think about if they would be willing to sacrifice their lives as the 3 had. After a few minutes of contemplation, all those who were willing were asked to stand and then carry the young women across a stream that was at least 8 ft. across and 1 ft. deep. Now, this wasn't at the end of the trek and we still had about 1 mile to go, and so all the young men had to hike the rest of the trail with wet boots and feet. I have such respect for all of those young men that were willing to do such a thing and I bet that they will all serve wonderful missions.

Anyway, I can't think of what else occurred during my hiatus from blogging, except for the start of school.


Well, it's my senior year of high school, and everyone thinks I am crazy. Officially, as a senior, I only have to take 5 classes, 3 of which I need for graduation and the other 2 I need just for the credits. Instead of being like everyone else and getting senior-itis, I am opting to take six classes, a full load. The six are as follows: American Government/Psychology, Anatomy/Physiology, AP Calculus AB, Physics, AP Literature, and Beginning Ceramics. Ceramics (Visual/performing art), Am. Gov./Psych, and English I have to take to graduate and the other three are just because they sound fun. Well, so far, I am done with week 3 of school and everything seems to be going great. I have some really good/interesting teachers and my classes aren't too hard right now, so hopefully things will stay this way. :-D

Finally, what I really was going to post about.

This Weekend

Well, Friday I took my senior portraits and I think that I got some really cute poses in. Hopefully they turn out nicely, but for two of my 3 outfits, I had this same person who didn't really seem to have many ideas for poses. I really hope that of the very few shots he took that they all are practically perfect. I guess I will just have to wait and see when I get the proofs next week. :-\

Then, Saturday, I went to this fireside with M. Russel Ballard and D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve. They had some really great things to say and it was really amazing to here two Apostles speak, in person.

Now, the BIG excitement of my weekend! Today we had a special stake meeting with Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Twelve. Well, before church, I got to shake his hand as he was entering the building. Then, I was a little surprised at how funny he was when he spoke. He said some great things about serving others, strengthening families, and how it is most important to do missionary work here in America. He was a great speaker. Because I sang in the choir, I was able to shake his hand AGAIN after the meeting!!! Now, you may think that I am a total dork, but he is an Apostle of God and he speaks with the prophet and with God constantly. I think that is very exciting. Also, now if he becomes the prophet someday, I can say that I got to shake his hand, TWICE, when he was just the new Apostle. Pretty nifty.

So, now I guess you are more or less caught up with what is going on in my life. Hope that you enjoyed my (not so) fast recap of the past couple months.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Sorry that I haven't posted about girls' camp, I just haven't really been interested in my blog/email/the Internet lately.

Anyways, I've seen this on a few other blogs and I really wanted to know what people remember about ME!

So... Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Dillon's Beach

I survived, and in much better shape than Shirley, ha ha, I remembered the sunscreen! :-p

Well, some of you may have heard the story about Shirley's experience at a YCL Retreat at Dillon's Beach from a few years back. She laid out in the sun, on a cold cloudy day, without sunscreen and burned her back and legs so bad that they blistered. Well, I learned from her mistake, Thanx Shirley! :-D

I just got back from my YCL retreat in one piece and unburned. However, there were a few casualties of the sun. Chelsea Chidester and Helena Haueter were the worst, but there were a few others. They burned really bad, because they refused 50 SPF sunscreen multiple times, and on both sides because they flipped over during the day. Their legs are/were so red. Oh well, their own fault. :) They shouldn't have refused seeing as they both have the fair skin.

Anyway, about me, I didn't burn, thankfully Dad reminded me and I listened. :-D I built my first official sandcastle, with the help of Amber and Leslie Rivers, that looked really cool. Also, we stayed in this beautiful beach house with an amazing view of Bodega Bay. Such games as True Colors, Catch Phrase, Spoons, and Signs (knock-off King Elephant Game) were played. I was kind of amazed though at how much free/fun time we had during the day because I was expecting it to all be business and really boring. Jenny Chidester and Trayce Williams did an amazing job! The only thing that could have been better was the weather! The first day, Tuesday, it was so cold at the beach that we were all bundled up in sweatshirts. On Wednesday however, it was warm enough for me to actually walk into the water a bit in just a swimsuit, my swim shorts and a light t-shirt. One of the girls brought a skim board and was even doing some boarding because the waves were just right and the temperature not too cold for her I guess.

Anywho, I had an great time and I actually got to know some of the girls better since I still was a bit lost as to who was who. And, because of the smaller group of YCLs it was actually possible to speak/make suggestions and be heard. This was definitely a great experience and a great bonding time.

By The Way, Sorry for the random jumpy explanations of it all, I think I may be suffering from some "mild" sleep deprivation. :-D

Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm Alive and Celebrating!

Hello, sorry that I haven't been blogging as much as I/you would like. I just have been busy and couldn't think of anything to tell you. So, I will have to get you caught up with how the past few weeks have been. Actually, I think I will just tell you about this past week since I don't remember anything special about the week before.

Oh, wait, the week before last was the last week of seminary. It was so much fun because we had finished with the Old Testament early we just did fun stuff like making scripture mastery posters. Then, on Thursday, since Friday was the seminary breakfast, my teacher gave all the graduating seniors, the kids who lettered, the kids who passed off all 25 scripture masteries, and the kids who have summer birthdays a little reward. I was rewarded in every category except for being a graduating senior, bummer. :-D AND, the rewards weren't like stupid little things. Because my teacher is the manager for Deseret Book, Birthday people get Utah truffles which are very rich and delicious. I also got a book for lettering and a CD for memorizing all 25 Scripture Masteries. The book and CD were both about the pioneers' crossing of the plains, how perfect considering this July my stake is doing the Trek. He surely was inspired because I hadn't told him anything about the Trek I don't think. They are such good stories and everything, the book is all journal accounts of children and teens who crossed the plains and some of the stories are just so sad. So, that was the week before last that you missed.

Now, THIS past week was the cause for celebration. The last week of school!!! Yay, I'm now a senior, oh no, I have to actually grow up now. BUMMER!! :-D But, anyway, I took all my finals and did amazing, getting A-'s, A's, and A+'s in all of my classes. I was a little nervous about a couple of my classes but everything turned out okay. Thank goodness! Well, now my summer vacation has officially begun and I am still a bit shocked about it being here, seemingly so soon, but it really didn't come soon enough! :-D

A look into the future about things I will hopefully post about over the next couple months:
  1. YCL overnight training at Dillon's Beach
  2. Girls' Camp/Preparing for Girl's camp
  3. Birth of Heidi Secundus(sp?) __________ Braun
  4. The Pioneer Trek
  5. Will and Nancy coming to town!!!!
  6. And any other miscellaneous, unscheduled, exciting events in between

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So, today at school we had this Holocaust survivor come and speak to us. It was just a tad bit random, but whatever. I had heard her speak before, and she is so funny. She actually spoke at a fireside one time because she is actually a Mormon convert and a member of the El Dorado Stake. I was a little surprised though that she didn't change her presentation much from the fireside presentation. She even included scripture references from the Bible and also talked about how she had "someone watching over her" that protected her while in the camps.

She told us how it was just her and her mom, but to protect themselves they had to pretend to be sisters. I also really liked that she was very upbeat about it all. She said that she knows that we all learn from bad experiences and that they must happen for a reason. I thought that was really interesting because Sophmore year you have to read Night by Elie Weisel, another holocaust survivor, who had a very pessimistic view following his life in the concentration camps. He also talks about that he rejects some of his Jewish faith because of his life in the camps. She was just the complete opposite and actually is featured in the video record of Holocaust survivors downtown talking about her experiences.

She was just so forgiving to all the Kapo, SS and other people who were just following Hitler. She even said that she understands that they were also prisoners because if they spoke out, they would face the same fate. What was a little funny is that she even feels a little sorry for Germans who had nothing to do with the Holocaust, but still feel guilty for the treatment of the Jews. Her spirit of forgiveness was just so overwhelming, that it was shocking, she was so at peace with all those who had wronged her. Wow, if she can forgive the people who killed her family and nearly killed her, I think that we all should be able to forgive. I know that I surely need to work on that because I have a hard time sometimes forgiving people or myself for the little things. I mean, what could be worse than mass genocide? I sure can't think of anything, and I hope that this may have got you thinking.

P.S. I don't intend to offend anyone with this post. Please don't write me a bunch of angry comments, I just think that everyone in this world could use a little bit of forgiveness. We aren't perfect, I know that I am indeed far from it! So please, this post is just a thought-provoker that I thought others might enjoy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Called to Serve

Well, this morning in seminary we learned about Jonah. --For those of you who need refreshing, he was called to teach the barbarians of Ninevah. However, he tried to avoid the call and fled on a ship. Subsequently he was swallowed by a great fish until he was ready to accept the call and vomitted out 3 days and nights later.-- Our teacher then asked us the customary, why did Jonah try to flee considering he knew he couldn't hide from the Lord, should he have been fearful, why/why not, would you have accepted the call, etc.

Then, SURPRISE, Sister Seymour, the seminary principle came in and issued us "mission calls". They were actually kind of cool because they were all personalized and everything. But, there is a catch, it was REAL! (not in the churchwide sense though) It reads,

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Carmichael Stake
8276 Deseret Ave.
Fair Oaks, CA 95628

May 16, 2008

Dear Sister Hale,

You have been called to serve a mission to the Bella Vista Mission in Fair Oaks, California. You are to report on Monday, May 18, 2008.

Brother Abbott will serve as your mission president for the duration of your missionary service. He will teach you and guide you so that your missionary service may be of great benefit to yourself and others that you serve.

The requirements of your missionary service are as follows:
  1. Have Perfect attendance at seminary and school for the entire week.
  2. Wear missionary attire to seminary and school for the entire week... No name badge is required.
  3. If you are asked why you are dressed up, you must answer that you are serving as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
  4. Give away one Book of Mormon to someone who is not a member of the church.

There are many in this area that want to find the truth, but "know not where to find it." (D&C 123:12) Your example will be a beacon of light to many wandering in darkness.

You will find great spiritual blessings in missionary service. Blessings abound in true service. One of the blessings that you will receive when you complete all of the requirements of your missionary service is all of your tardies and absences erased for the year or an extra 50 points in credit.

May you find great joy in serving the Lord!

Sister Seymour

WOW!!! WOW! That is going to be HARD!! I don't wear skirts at school, ever, so I think that that will be very hard, along with giving away a Book of Mormon. The rewards are pretty awesome though, but they don't really matter to me since I don't need either, but oh well. I'm kind of nervous and excited. It will be hard to just not give up, but I am sure it is very minimal compared to what you really experience on a mission. Still, it is a "mission" of sorts and I KNOW it will be a great experience.

So, that's what I'll be doing next week, it will be fun. :-D

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

AP Testing, YAY!!!

You may be surprised by the title of this blog considering I just recently posted about how much it sucks. (in AP Testing, Arrgh!) Well, I am singing a very different tune today and guess why. There are many reasons but I'm sure you can guess the main reason, AP testing is OVER!!!!

Today I took my 2nd and last AP exam, Chemistry. It was a bit harder than I expected, but I was able to do a lot on the multiple choice, finishing all I could early. The short answer was harder than I had hoped for. I wasn't able to finish every question and some questions I just didn't have a clue. :( Oh well, all I need is a 3 for college credit and I think that I at least did that well. I hope!

Also, today I cut my first class, although I don't think it will count as a cut because I can get it cleared, I think. So anyways, I cut my 5th period which didn't really matter since we were just hanging out, "studying", for our test that we have tomorrow. So, instead of going and being INCREDIBLY bored, I went with my chem class to Red Robin to celebrate the end of AP tests. It was so much fun because we got the waitress, whose name was Francesca (sp?) to bring this guy in my class a pink balloon. He didn't know that we asked for it. She brought him 2 pink and 1 purple balloons and with a straight faced tied them on his wrist and patting him on the back saying, "Here you go" all sweet like she would to a little child. We all BUSTED up laughing. It was so funny. (If you don't think it is, then you just had to be there and have been in the class with these 2 guys all year.) So yeah, today was amazing and, is A day that will live on in history! :-D I just HAD to blog about it. :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Late nights, Busy life

Last night I went babysitting for these really cute 2 little kids. You may know the Gleasons, well that's who it was. Anyway, I was only expecting them to be gone for a couple of hours for dinner or something so I didn't take any school work to do. By the way, they only have basic cable so I was planning they would be home before I was even able to finish Numb3rs (9-10pm). Well, it didn't quite work out that way. They picked me up at about 6:30 and the kids were in bed by 8:30, good, plenty of time to just relax and watch some TV. So, I tuned in to some show about funniest sitcom characters for about a half hour and then numbers. Numbers ended and they still weren't home and nothing else was on but news. BORING!, but I watched anyway thinking they would be home any minute. I fell asleep, News ended, another program started, and they still weren't home. I wake up at about 11:30, still no sign of them. Finally, at about 11:50, they show up, I was ready to go home. It was SO BORING and unproductive, I had at least 3 hrs. of homework that I could have been working on. ARGH! Oh well, that was my Friday night.

Then, this morning, I couldn't get anything done because I slept in and then went to Shirley's baby shower, which was very fun, by the way. After getting home, I got to spend time with Corrina, Jaron, David, and Grandma T. Needless to say, I haven't gotten ANYTHING done! And of course, my blogging right now is also just wasting precious Chem studying time. So, I had better get on that since tomorrow's Mother's Day, I have to go to 3 sacrament meetings, and who knows what we are doing after all that church. (The 3 sacrament meetings are because Alex is singing in our ward, I'm singing in La Sierra ward, and Jon and Nate are singing in the singles ward.)

Friday, May 9, 2008

AP Testing, Arrgh!

Well, today I just took my AP US History Exam to earn possible college credit for the class. YAY! It was surprisingly easy, compared to what I though it would be like. I reezed through most of the multiple choice, and I got done with my 3 essays early! It was a bit exciting to know that I wasn't totally History illiterate.

(My History teacher is a total slacker, he doesn't teach us, he mainly lectures his opinion and then tells us to read the textbook. It totally sucks/sucked. His tests I think are WAY harder than the exam was, whih was really exciting because I've failed more than a few of his tests.)

Anywho, I still have one more AP Exam to go, Chemistry. I really am not looking forward to it because I haven't even looked at my review book, which I should have been doing since January. Oh well, I have been doing really well on my teacher's practices tests, and he says that he chooses the hardest questions and grades more harshly than the test graders. So yeah, that's the news in my life today! Hope I didn't bore you to death. :-D

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hello Bloggers, Surprise!

Hey ya'll. :-D
Wow, I have finally joined the blogging world. This is probably a surprise to most of you since I have been saying I don't have time. Well, I decided that instead of wasting time re-reading all of your old posts, maybe I should create some of my own. :-D
Yeah, so, um, hopefully I will make this interesting, keeping you posted about my "exciting" High-School life. (I'll be lucky if I don't put MYSELF to sleep with how boring my life is! :-D) So yeah, this is me, and I'll try to keep things current, but I make NO promises.