Saturday, October 31, 2009

College and the Like

So, I'm sure you guys are really bored with seeing the same post everyday for practically forever. Well, I guess I can tell you some of what is happening in my life. Please excuse the random jumpiness of this post, I am just trying to lay it all out there so you know what is going on. If you need any explanation about something, just post a comment and I will do my best to explain. So here goes:

I am now officially a full-time student at Brigham Young University, taking 15.5 credit hours. This semester I am taking 2 pre-reqs for the nursing program and some GEs. Some of my favorite classes are Nursing 180, intro to nursing, SFL 210, Human development, and Music 101, introduction to music (mostly music history). My easiest class is probably Chem 101, because I learned more in my high school chem class, and I didn't even need to take it (but I took it because it was part of freshman academy). I'm also taking Book of Mormon, first half, and American Heritage, both of which are difficult, but not killers.

Currently, I am living in the Helaman Halls dorms, third floor! I have made so many friends in my ward and in my classes. It's hard to focus on studies because there is always something going on, but I am staying on top of everything and doing great. There are so many people that are getting sick in my ward, which is a little scary. I'm doing my best to get plenty of sleep and get lots of vitamin C. So far, it has paid off and I am not sick.

I do have to say it is really strange to go to church in a classroom. We do have a pulpit, because all of the classrooms have podiums, but there is no stand or organ and the pulpit is off to the side. In my ward, I have the calling of a home evening group leader, which has previously been called the FHE Mom position. My group is really good, we are all working together and trying to figure out how everything should run. I'm so thankful for all of the FHEs I had in my family growing up because it has helped me to figure out how to best fulfill my calling and get people involved. Each week we have song, prayer, thought, announcements, lesson, activity, and closing prayer. I know it sounds like a lot to do in one hour, but we have been making it work and most of the group shows up every week.

I love all of the activities that they have here. There is always something going on, so you never really have to feel left out if you miss something. I have been able to attend every home football game, but I have yet to attend any other sport. :-( (When the games happen during the week, it is hard to go to a volleyball or soccer game, especially if you need to study for or take a test) I was also able to attend Homecoming Spectacular, which is this play/musical production showcasing the various musical and dance groups on campus. This year's homecoming theme was about reaching for the summit and the life of Eugene Roberts. I thought it was really cool that he was instrumental in getting the church to adopt the Scouting program, and he contributed so many other new ideas and programs to BYU. The performances were great, it even included BYU's a capella group, Vocal Point.

Well, I can't exactly think of much else to say, but if you can think of anything I may have missed that you want to hear about, just post a comment and I will try to respond. :-)