Monday, January 12, 2009

College Stuff, Again

Wow, I haven't posted in FOREVER!! I am so sorry for you faithful blog readers that check in to see if there are any new updates.

Well, I just thought that you would like to hear about my progress with college applications. Some of you may already know that I have been accepted to California State University in Sacramento. No big shocker there right?

Well, today I learned that Brigham Young University in Rexburg, Idaho has also made a decision about my application. I was shocked to learn that I had been DENIED!! That SUCKS!!

Just kidding, I was accepted! Yay! I am glad that I got in, but I am still anxiously awaiting the decision of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. I bet you are all rolling your eyes, thinking that it is already a sure thing, but you never know. What is UBER lame, is I have to wait until sometime in February or March before I will know of the decision. Ugggh.

Well, I guess for know I am just going to have to be patient until those last letters roll in. :-D