Saturday, January 7, 2012

A Formal Expression of Intention

(Aka, a resolution)

I don't usually make any particular New Year's Resolutions, but this year is different.  Instead of making the common resolutions--eat healthy, lose weight, go to the gym--I'm trying something a little more meaningful.  (That seems to be a major theme in my life lately, though that will have to wait for another post.)

12 Resolutions for 2012
Some of you may remember that this last year, particularly this last semester, was quite difficult for me.  There were some dark days when I was just way to stressed to think straight, and I never want to be in that position again.  That experience inspired me to make these resolutions:
1.  Don't sweat the small stuff
2.  Enjoy the journey, even if it sucks
3.  Care less
4.  Have fun, make happy memories
I realized that I was so stressed last semester because I kept focusing and worrying about the small, meaningless things and then trying to be perfect in every aspect.  Thankfully, by the end I was beginning to see the big picture and not worry as much about the little things.

As a secondary effect of the heavy course load and nearly-constant state of panic (haha), I had essentially no social life.  :-(  I mean, I spent a fair amount of time with my brother and sister-in-law, my roommate/best friend, and a couple other friends from the nursing program, but it felt like a pretty pathetic life.  I wasn't getting to know new people, I would go stir-crazy in my apartment, and I felt like I hardly ever did anything fun.  (Even though that is definitely not true.)  So, I decided I needed these resolutions:
5.  Meet new people (Be more outgoing)
6.  Get to know more people in my ward
7.  Go on more dates
8.  Love completely (Christ-like love to all people and maybe romantically, too)

Then I also made some resolutions that are just for the heck of it:
9.  Keep my apartment clean
10.  Study the Book of Mormon every day
11.  Speak my mind (Be more open and decisive)
12.  Do hard things with confidence

What are your New Year's Resolutions?

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